Tuesday, February 26, 2008

60 miles for Cancer....

I know this is pretty aggressive. But, I am a big goal setter. This year, I plan on doing the Susan Komen 3 day walk. 60 miles!! In fact, my goal is to do two of them. Crazy....really crazy. But, somehow, I feel that I have been given a chance to do something physically for someone else. I have had an aunt die from Breast Cancer, and another Aunt survive it. I feel that by the year end, I will be in the condition to do this extreme challenge. It motivates me that I can do something positive from this surgery.

Check out the video....I hope you will want to join me too!!!


Dagny said...

To be able to do something like this is a real goal, a milestone! I am hoping to do the Sears Tower Climb in November! Let's make our goals this year!!!

Eat, Drink and be Married said...

Hoooray for you! I used to work for the company that produces the walk and I can tell you that it is the experience of a lifetime! When you get it, post a link to your donation page (if you feel comfortable doing that) and I will be happy to send you a donation toward your fundraising for the walk!

Melinda said...

I've done the 3 Day 3 times now, including last November, and it is so amazing and hard and worth doing. It'll be the hardest, best thing you've ever done, emotionally and physically.

Good luck!